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CFSC Board

The Chippewa Figure Skating Club functions with a board of directors, ten board members, and various committees. The CFSC is incorporated in the State of Wisconsin and has tax-exempt status. The major sources of income for the CFSC are membership, bingo, the ice show, and various other fundraisers held throughout the year. The major expense for the club is the rental of ice at the arena.


The Chippewa Figure Skating Club general meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the ice arena. This is your opportunity to attend and learn more about what is happening with our club as well as offer feedback and suggestions. Following directly after the general meeting will be the Figure Skating Club Board of Directors meeting. Anyone can attend, but only board members can discuss and vote on the issues presented before it. If you have concerns that the board should address please contact any board member.






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