Opportunities to Sign-Up
The Chippewa Figure Skating Club (CFSC) and the Chippewa Youth Hockey Association (CYHA) are run by AMAZING volunteers. Without each and every one of them, we could not call this ice arena home. With that, we have many opportunities to volunteer for a variety of events to help us raise money to pay for our facility. Listed to the right are some opportunities that have been available. Emails from CYHA will go out to everyone in the club when we get closer to the event. If you are not receiving emails from CYHA, please email them at cyhasocial@gmail.com to be added to the list.
The Chippewa Youth Hockey Association does ask the Chippewa Figure Skaters and their families to volunteer a number of assessment hours based on how long your skater has been with the club. To see how many assessment hours are asked of your family, please click HERE.
Some of the different opportunities include:
- Steel Games-sign up LINK
- BeerFest
- Northern Wisconsin State Fair
- Joining the figure skating board!
- Zamboni Driver